Burgeree|Design China Beijing 2020 hot spot

"Design China·Beijing" 2020 was officially opened at the National Agricultural Exhibition Hall on September 23

Design China Beijing 2020|Welcome to Burgeree !

Dear friends from all walks of life, Burgeree sincerely invites you to the Beijing, to participate in our excellent preparation for a year of wonderful

FMC China 2020 |Welcome to Burgeree !

FMC China 2020 |Welcome to Burgeree !

Burgeree| HOTEL PLUS 2020 in Shanghai

Burgeree| HOTEL PLUS 2020 in Shanghai

District Federation of Trade unions Department Sends Sunstroke Preventive Articles to Burgeree’s Staff

District Federation of Trade unions Department Sends Sunstroke Preventive Articles to Burgeree’s Staff

The 45th China National Fair CIFF (Guangzhou)

Burgeree has participated in this National Fair CIFF for eight consecutive years.

Burgeree distributes Summer benefits

Recently, Suzhou finally came out of the rainy season. With the end of the rainy season, Suzhou entered the scorching sun and rising temperatures. In order to protect the health of employees, and to prevent employees from heatstroke or other production safety accidents caused by high temperature weather, Burgeree carries out summer cooling activities.

Burgeree Donate Love to Children and Assist them in School

On the morning of July 17, Yangcheng Lake Primary School ushered in an annual special day. On this day, Burgeree’s Love Scholarship event will be held.

Burgeree's gifts to the staff for Dragon Boat Festival

Burgeree's gifts to the staff for Dragon Boat Festival

Good news-Burgeree won the honorary title of "Health Unit of Jiangsu Province" in 2019

Recently, Jiangsu Burgeree New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Jiangsu Provincial Health Unit" by the Jiangsu Patriotic Health Campaign Committee.

"Environmental and Silent Pet house" products Won the 2019 Suzhou Industrial Design Product Gold Award

The pet house mainly uses PET (polyester fiber) materials developed by Burgeree.

Good news-Burgeree won the honorary title of "Excellent Enterprise" in 2019

On March 12, 2020, the 2019 Comprehensive Assessment and Recognition and Style Conference of Yangcheng Lake Resort was held as scheduled.

Good news-Burgeree won the honorary title of "Suzhou Famous Export Brand"

Jiangsu Burgeree New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the honorary title of "Suzhou Famous Export Brand" for 2019-2020 by the Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

Queen's Day|To the most beautiful staff of Burgeree

On this day, you are the queen! On this day, love yourself!

Fighting the epidemic | Burgeree has been in action ~

Fighting the epidemic | Burgeree has been in action ~

Burgeree New Year Conference 2020

First of all, Mr. Zuo, Chairman of Burgeree, expressed his sincere gratitude to all the staff for their hard work in the past year.

Burgeree’s acoustic pet house in “Creativity of Xiangcheng”

The environmental protection acoustic pet house of Jiangsu Burgeree New Technology Materials Co.,LTD.wins a gold medal.

Burgeree joined in ArtCenter’s excellent work exhibition

Burgeree joined in ArtCenter’s excellent work exhibition

GUANGZHOU HIGH END 2019 _ Burgeree and Sentiment launched a luxury home theater.

GUANGZHOU HIGH END 2019 _ Burgeree and Sentiment launched a luxury home theater.

Good news: Burgeree products won the honor of "product quality leader"; Burgeree Zuo hongyun won the honor of "reform pioneer"

The Third Council of the seventh session of China adiabatic energy saving materials association was held in Shanghai from December 9th to 12th, 2019. The theme of the conference is "transformation, upgrading, high-quality development, energy conservation, emission reduction and heat insulation first".
